
Troubadour, The 1996.10.14 [Los Angeles, CA]

w/ Foreskin 500

 Live fan show review by "Miss Eva" - found in the digital archive. [-AArtVark]

October 14, 1996 - Troubadour, Los Angeles, CA
  Tonight's show was (as described by Smith) a 'grab bag' of opening bands... we luckily only caught the tail end of the first band (whose name escapes me, with reason no doubt). Way too much easy-alternative-listening influence on these people, and the crowd showed the after effects.
  The second band (again I forget name) is a bit confusing to make a statement on. Their first few songs were moody ala Portishead without the trip-hop. The singer, all a-glow in seventies siren regalia, had a bad habit of pushing her voice too far too fast, and sounding sharp on a lot of key moments. I think she was showing off her range a little too much, and while her enthusiasm (and that of the rest of the band's) helped the crowd really get into it, the constant climbing and descending of scales killed it for me. But, as Smith said, it would be interesting to see them again in 6 months or a year or so, with a lot of hard work.
  After what seemed forever, our heroes took the stage. They opened with Kill Bugs, just high-energy enough to get the always overly-rambunctious Troubadour crowd romping around. It seemed that Dan and Smith were excited about the show, and were running around and having fun as usual. We were again treated to quite a few songs off You Suck Crap, including Mask, which whipped everyone into a frothing, stomping, knee-bashing (ok, maybe just my knee) frenzy. Also showcased was a new song that they have only been playing the past couple of shows, which was still in the vein of the electro-punk sound Babyland seems to own.     Unfortunately, somewhere along the line technical problems put a damper on things (though only for Dan and Smith; we were still eating it up with a spoon) and the show ended somewhat abruptly.
  The overall experience was wonderful (I mean they are Babyland), but a little disheartening, if only because of Dan and Smith's apparent disappointment.


Corona Showcase Theater 1996.10.12 [Corona, CA]

Live fan show reviewby "Miss Eva" - found in the digital archive. [-AArtVark]

October 12, 1996 - Showcase Theatre, Corona, CA
  I dare say tonight's show was sprinkled with some opening bands a bit better than average... my friend Matt and I missed the opening band (apparently we didn't miss anything from the crowd's buzz)... the second band, whose name was something like PsychoFuzzMachine, was not too bad; danceable guitar-addled industrial at some points, more rocking at others. Spastic Colon was next, a very experimental hands-on industrial sound; their pieces were impressive but ultimately the common problem of not being able to keep an audience interested without some kind of interaction befell them.
  Next came local band 29 Died... I'll stop myself from saying too much seeing as I didn't start this page to slay other bands; only a few words. Faux arrogance with a poor delivery does not an interested audience make (tho I could be wrong; they might very well be arrogant). The music sounded quite a bit like a Nitzer Ebb rip-off, but an interesting cover of Soft Cell's Tainted Love saved them.
  As for our main attraction, they were heavenly ! They treated us all with a number of songs off You Suck Crap: Structure Fall, Do You Feel Lost?, Reality, and Logan's Run being my personal favorite; one of the rare instances when you can see Smith come out from behind his percussion goodies and prance and sing like a madman. An added treat was seeing the re-emergence of black paint as an accesory for Dan; a blink might have caused one to miss Dan crawling underneath his computer only to come back with his mask we've missed so much.
   I dare say Smith seemed more relaxed than he has been the past few shows; he appeared to be having a lot more fun than at the last LA show at the Impala Cafe, and that really helps the audience get into it. Dan was on target as usual, and his audience interaction was more focused, actually looking into people's eyes and responding to the audience. I was able to grab his attention long enough to simultaneously get some hip-hop arm motions going during Worst Case Scenario.
  All in all, this show left the official Babyland reviewing committee BABYLAND SATISFIED!